Customer Handbook

Safety and security issues within tenant space are the responsibility of tenant management. Awareness, early intervention and prevention of workplace violence are tenant issues that are best dealt with by the tenant's human resources professionals, as well as managers and supervisors within the tenant’s organization. All tenants are encouraged to develop a workplace violence prevention program for their employees.

Tenants are advised to notify local authorities and to seek legal or other professional counsel regarding any threat of potential violence. Additionally, if the threat includes the potential for violence to occur on Atlantic Wharf Complex property, the information should be provided to Atlantic Wharf Property Management for response assessment and evaluation.

Atlantic Wharf Property Management also encourages tenants to utilize their own proprietary or contract security officers to provide security coverage within their leased space. Upon request, Atlantic Wharf Property Management can provide tenants with contact names and telephone numbers of local contract security firms. Tenants shall not deploy their own proprietary or contract security officers in the common areas of the property without express approval from Atlantic Wharf Property Management.

Any acts or imminent threats of violence on the Atlantic Wharf Complex property should be reported directly to Atlantic Wharf Office Tower Security at (617) 603-7190 for response from the Boston Police.