Customer Handbook
Regular Business Hours: Contractors seeking access to the loading dock area during regular business hours (6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday) will be permitted to park company vehicles for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes for the purpose of loading or unloading tools, equipment, and materials essential to their contract services.
After thirty (30) minutes, or upon completion of unloading or loading (whichever occurs first), the contractor must either leave the site or relocate the company vehicle into the Atlantic Wharf Garage if it is not an oversized vehicle.
Non-Business Hours/Emergency Repairs and Services: Contractors providing non-business hours emergency repairs or services must register with Security upon arrival and will be permitted to use the loading dock area for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes.
Repairs and/or emergency services requiring more than thirty (30) minutes may necessitate relocation of the contractor’s company vehicles to the alternate paid parking facilities within the garage. Depending upon the time, day, and anticipated activity levels, Security may, at their discretion, allow the vehicle to stay in the loading dock area beyond the thirty (30) minute time limitation.